


A Timberwood retaining wall offers a unique and natural look to your landscaping. Made from best quality Australian Iron Bark or Tallowwood, the sleepers are either left rough sawn and all face edges planed at 45° or alternatively dressed on three sides with a large champher on all face edges to produce a superb look when brought together in a brick bonded look with each course overlapping the other by 50%. Posts are galvanised steel with steel backing plates which each sleeper is bolted to. The rear of the wall is painted with sump oil and covered with heavy grade builders’ plastic and back filled with crushed blue metal over an Ag line. The front and top of the retaining wall is then oiled twice to protect the integrity and life of the timber.

timberwood retaining wallstimberwood retaining wallstimberwood retaining wallstimberwood retaining walls
timberwood retaining wallstimberwood retaining wallstimberwood retaining wallstimberwood retaining walls

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