


Steel Stock Fences

A Timberwood Steel Stock Fence (using high quality Waratah netting) is the ideal fence to use when you need to cover a lot of ground and will hold in both large and small stock animals as well as reduce unwanted animal traffic such as foxes and rabbits.

We use 100mm round galvanised steel strainer posts which are always cemented into the ground, using galvanised 60mm stays also cemented into the ground and clamped (not welded) onto the posts to reduce sparks and fire risk in paddocks. We use 4 x belly wires (high quality Waratah wire) to support the netting which run through best quality galvanised star posts and finish with 2 x strands of barbed wire. All wire and netting is strained tight to ensure the best possible stock fence.

Timberwood can also provide best quality Australian Ironbark strainer posts and also ¼ Ironbark dropper posts at regular intervals along the fence line as an alternative to all steel which gives a very traditional look to your stock fence particularly if the fence is a boundary to your house and shed area or up the driveway.

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