


Timber Pool Fences

A Timberwood Post, Rail And 'Approved Netting' fence is now an option around the family swimming pool.

A Timberwood Pool Fence is now available using Best quality Australian Iron Bark and approved 12mm square hole galvanised netting and wire. Posts are usually rough sawn and planer champhered on the long sides 150 x 100mm (6’’ x 4’’) with rails usually rough sawn and planer champhered on the long sides 150mm x 50mm (6’’ x 2’’). Rails are always bolted on with 4 x bolts per rail using galvanised cup head bolts. The timber is usually oiled twice to protect the integrity and life of the timber especially around a swimming pool environment.

Pedestrian Country Style Gates also have approved child proof pool gate latches.

timberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fences

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