


Paling Fences

When choosing a boundary fence in a residential area you can’t beat the tried and true, rough sawn hardwood paling fence. Paling fences are the regular lifeblood for Timberwood and we offer them in galvanised steel posts or champhered Ironbark timber posts.

Fence heights range from 1200mm (4 foot) up to 1800mm (6 foot). All rails and palings are Australian hardwood with each paling having individually cut top caps. Palings are nailed (galvanised) to the rails using different styles such as the standard butt jointed (palings side by side) or lapped (two layers of palings with gaps) which produces a completely non see through fence, and also an older style colonial look usually on a 1200mm (4 foot) which is palings nailed 20mm apart.

Paling fences can also be oiled twice to protect the integrity and life of the timber or left raw to age to a soft grey in true traditional fashion.

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timberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fences
timberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fences
timberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fences

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