


Post And Three Rail Fences

A Timberwood Post And Three Rail Fence is truly a pure authentic Australian look and style fence and is mostly seen on rural properties surrounding the homestead or along the roadway up to a Timberwood Entryway. A Timberwood Post And Three Rail Fence is particularly good to provide very natural but very visual fencing for horses.

Our Post And Three Rail Fences are made using Best quality Australian Iron Bark. Posts are usually rough sawn and planer champhered on the long sides 150 x 100mm (6’’ x 4’’) with rails usually rough sawn and planer champhered on the long sides 150 x 50mm (6’’ x 2’’). Rails are always bolted on with 4 x bolts per rail using galvanised cup head bolts. The timber is usually oiled twice to protect the integrity and life of the timber or left raw to age to a soft grey in true rustic fashion.

timberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fences
timberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fencestimberwood fences

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